TRIAGE - Private Consultation Session
TRIAGE - Private Consultation Session
2 x 30-Min Private Consultations to Triage your Campaign!
Perfect for campaigns with at least a week left or who want a professional "second look" before launching.
Ideally suited for keep-what-you-earn platforms like IndieGoGo OR Kickstarter campaigns with at least 60% of the funds raised.
You launched a campaign - and it's not quite working how you wanted it to! Bummer! That's okay, you're not the first to come face-to-face with the overwhelming difficulties of running a campaign. However, there's hope - a one-on-one triage sessions where you and I go through every single part of your campaign and talk about what you can do to beef it up. Whether it's your video, perks, campaign copy, or marketing efforts, there's a reason why the money isn't coming in. We identify that reason, and then I give you specific and detailed instructions on how to fix it.
Does it work? Ask Betsy of the sitcom pilot "The Alley." She called me with 5 days left in her campaign and $20,000 to go. One triage session with me and she raised $21,000 in five days! With the right information, she and her team worked her butt off and brought in 80% of her funds in the last five days.